Confirmation continues our initiation into the life of the Church and our growth in the Spirit. In Catholic Tradition, Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are known as the Sacraments of Initiation. Even though in our present experience, these three sacraments take place over a long period of time, originally they were all celebrated at the same time. After a long period of instruction, centered on the Creed, the candidates, called catechumens, presented themselves to the Christian community for acceptance. During the service on Holy Saturday, the candidates were baptized into the faith, confirmed and then, for the first time, participated in the Eucharistic liturgy and received Holy Communion. Since all three sacraments were given at one time they were known as the Sacraments of initiation. Initiation into the Church is not complete until all three sacraments have been celebrated. The word confirmation means strengthening. We receive Jesus' Spirit in the Sacrament of Baptism. What happens at Baptism is increased, deepened and made more perfect in Confirmation. Thus, it is linked to both Baptism and Eucharist.
Attend Mass EVERY Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation - there may be a requirement of a Mass Journal if this requirement is not being fulfilled - MASS IS NOT OPTIONAL!
Attend ALL Confirmation classes
Service to the parish: All Confirmation Candidates are to participate in the life of the parish by serving as a lector, server, choir member, and/or minister of hospitality.
Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Write a letter to Bishop requesting Confirmation
Attend October Diocesan Youth Rally
Attend TEC or NET retreat
Meet with Father at least one month prior to Confirmation
Learn the various prayers (See list of what you should know)
Fill out Confirmation information sheet
Other requirements may be added at a later time
*Please note that failure to complete these requirements or any other requirements put forth by Father or our Confirmation teachers will result in the need for a personal discussion between you, Father, your parents, and Confirmation teachers and may result in the delaying the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. I realize that conflicts can arise. If for some reason you cannot complete a required activity mentioned above it is important that you discuss this with Father in advance and we will see what alternative activities can be done in place of the conflicting activity. If you are going to miss a class you must contact your teacher prior to class. If you miss too many classes your Confirmation may be delayed until you are able to make up any missed material.
The Sacrament of Confirmation:
Is a community's celebration of a member's continuing initiation or welcoming into the church
Strengthens the gifts of the Holy Spirit which were received in Baptism;
Seals and completes Baptism and confirms our commitment both to the church and to the work of Christ in the world;
Strengthens the life of grace within us;
Anoints and strengthens us for discipleship, mission and witness to our faith;
Is an opportunity to respond freely to God's love;
Is deeply rooted in the trinity: Confirmation is part of the welcoming initiative of God the Creator, unites us more firmly to Christ, and strengthens us with the Holy Spirit.
Through Confirmation, we are:
Enabled to be more like Christ - Priest, Prophet and King;
Sealed with an indelible spiritual mark, called a character;
Empowered to witness Christ courageously through service and sharing the faith;
Strengthened to follow our baptismal call to live the faith and grow in love.
Grace Before Meals
Grace After Meals
Glory Be
The Lord's Prayer (Our Father)
Hail Mary
Guardian Angel Prayer
Act of Contrition
Confiteor (I confess)
Apostles Creed
Fatima Prayer
Rosary (how to pray the Rosary, what prayers are said, what are the mysteries of the rosary)
Hail, Holy Queen
Seven Sacraments
Liturgical Seasons of the Church Year
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Everyone should have, but it is not required to have, a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Revised 9-14-2016